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键盘侠|世道轮回!追梦蛋碎 整个北美大陆普天同庆!🥳

发布日期:2025-01-04 16:27    点击次数:82

今日NBA常规赛,勇士104-115不敌骑士。比赛首节,追梦争抢篮板时被阿伦踹到敏感部位痛苦倒地,裁判没有任何表示。 [–]ClippersDynamixRo 2401 points 3 hours agoThat's the face of an NBA veteran proud to see these younger guys play the game the right way.快船球迷:大家注意看,这是一位NBA老将看到年轻人用正确的方式打球之后,露出的倍感欣慰的表情~~ [–]BritishMotorWorks 367 points an hour agoFollowed the Code球迷:你也太懂事儿啦~~~阿伦~~[–]Larrydp72181 45 points 2 hours agoDamnit I need to finish my drink before I read these comments. This is the 3rd time I almost did a spit take 🤣球迷:靠…看沙雕评论的时候千万不能喝水,我他妈的怎么给忘了…都差点第三次笑喷了🤣 [–]CIark 1604 points 2 hours agoJarrett: CLEVELAND!!!!! THIS IS FOR YOUUU!!!!球迷:阿伦高喊:“克利夫兰!!这两颗碎蛋是给你们的!!!”[–]Short-Recording587 478 points 2 hours agoCleveland? That was for the basketball world.球迷:只是为了克利夫兰吗?这可是整个篮球世界普天同庆的大好事儿啊!!![–]ThunderNext-Firefighter-753 7 points 42 minutes agoJarrett Allen did it for the people.雷霆球迷:今天阿伦为咱老百姓出头了!![–]Timberwolvesdumpyduluth 64 points 2 hours agoJarrett Allen won't have to pay for a meal in Cleveland for the rest of his life森林狼球迷:下半辈子阿伦在克利夫兰下馆子,他到哪个饭馆都不需要结账了~~~[–]Kingsgundam1983 82 points 2 hours agoADAMS!!! THIS IS FOR YOUUU!!国王球迷:亚当斯!!!这一脚是为你踢的!!![–][OKC] Steven AdamsDeadDay 124 points 2 hours agoAdams "thanks m8"雷霆球迷:亚当斯:“谢了哟~铁汁~” [–]NetsJohnwinchenster 14 points an hour agoSeriously! As a nets fan with no dog in this race, I fist pumped.篮网球迷:不跟你们开玩笑啊!我一个篮网球迷,作为局外人,看到这一幕都兴奋得挥拳庆祝呢![–]Acceptable-Home1899 25 points an hour agoI’m a warriors fan, born and raised, and even I was like damn… somewhere in the world Steven adams is nodding approvingly haha勇士球迷:自打出生以来我就一直是勇士球迷,这一脚连我看了会心想:亚当斯估计也在某个角落点头称好呢吧…哈哈…[–]LakersINT_MIN 196 points 2 hours agoHonestly I think Draymond literally did this to himself. Jarett went up and Draymond pushed Jarett's torso away causing Jarett to go sideways directly into his own balls.湖人球迷:老实讲啊,我觉得追梦被踢到蛋,完全就是他自己一手造成的…当时那个回合,在阿伦起跳后,是追梦一把推开了阿伦的身体,导致后者躯干向一边倒去,顺势弹起的腿直接踢到了追梦自己的蛋蛋。 [–]Celticsendubs 95 points 2 hours agoThat’s the first thing I noticed. Green fouled Allen with the push off to knock him off balance and Allen just kicked his leg out to try and land safely and not fall on his back.凯尔特人球迷:当时我也注意到了!追梦做出了犯规动作,推倒了阿伦,导致后者失去平衡,而阿伦为了避免落地时背部着地,就抬了脚以确保安全落地。[–]OwlAlert8461 -37 points 2 hours agoJust a very ultra convenient way to regain your balance from a push off.球迷:其实阿伦就是为了在被推倒之后重新维持平衡,非常简单的一个动作。[–]copaseticepiplectic 2788 points 3 hours agolol warriors fans cant even be mad球迷:哈哈哈~~~勇士球迷甚至有气都没地儿说理去~~~~[–]WarriorsZachary_Stark 886 points 2 hours agoI'm not, I audibly laughed at the replay勇士球迷:我不生气,我看那个回放,笑得我整条街的街坊邻居都听见了… [–]SpursSunLiteFireBird 918 points 2 hours agoI feel like everyone except Draymond find this pretty funny马刺球迷:我感觉除了追梦自己之外,所有人都在把这个当笑话看呢~~~~ [–]HornetsFakename00420 52 points 2 hours agoBe on the lookout for Poole in this thread.黄蜂球迷:我在这个帖子里四处找着普尔的踪迹~~~ [–]ThunderHeadlesshorsman02 741 points 3 hours agoCan’t say I feel bad for him雷霆球迷:我都没法儿替追梦难过…[–]ThunderBBallHunter 263 points 2 hours agoAllen is my man for that.Steven sends his regards.雷霆球迷:阿伦以后就是我的男人!!亚当斯也送去了诚挚的问候~~~[–]NBATheOneTrueDoge 46 points 2 hours agoJarrett Allen. That's my GOAT!球迷:贾勒特-阿伦!!我的GOAT ! [–]Lakerscommander_wong 11 points 2 hours agoJarrett Allen invited to the Poole party湖人球迷:阿伦收到了普尔的派对邀请~~~[–]RaptorsCalamity25 5 points 2 hours agoSend Allen a fruit basket猛龙球迷:快给阿伦送个水果篮子去~~~[–]LakersChaotic-Catastrophe 31 points an hour agoSeriously. He deserved this. He also deserves about 12 more in a row after that.湖人球迷:有一说一,追梦活该他自找的!就这一脚怎么够,把少林十二路谭腿高手请来,再给他来上12脚!! [–]Sunslava172 9 points an hour ago"I'm not mad at Jarrett for doing it, I'm mad at NBC sports capturing it on camera"太阳球迷:追梦:“阿伦踢我蛋,我不生气…我生气的是摄影机把我蛋碎的画面都拍下来,人尽皆知啦!!”[–]Exploded24 40 points 2 hours agoI watched this 5 times.球迷:不用担心,追梦!这没什么好看的,我也就看了5遍而已~~~[–]Knicksgrowsonwalls 8 points an hour agoi downloaded the streamable尼克斯球迷:我已经下载了流媒体,打算大杀特杀![–]Thundertopofthecc 3 points an hour agoI'm gonna turn this into a screensaver雷霆球迷:我要把那个追梦蛋碎的画面做成壁纸!! [–]HeatFirefoxray 38 points 2 hours agoThis might be the first time in the NBA someone gets kicked in the nuts and everyone sides with the kicker热火球迷:有人被踢裤裆,但是所有人支持的却是踢裤裆的那个人,这可能是在NBA史无前例的事情…[–]13WillieBeaman 7 points 3 hours ago“Dang… so that’s how it feels?”球迷:追梦:“哎哟卧槽…这就是蛋碎的感觉吗?” [–]TimberwolvesMagazine_Mediocre 9 points 3 hours agoLolllll I love where this clip starts森林狼球迷:哈哈哈~~~~我太爱镜头一开始的画面了~~~ [–]Zedzdeadhead 4 points an hour agoReddit mods, how do I upvote something a million times?球迷:直播吧管理员在吗?为什么每个新闻只能赞一次,我想赞这个贴子100万次,怎么办?[–]run_your_race_5 3 points 3 hours agoThat is hilarious!Maybe he won’t do that to another opponent ever again as he now has a reminder of how much it hurts!球迷:太搞笑啦~~~也许追梦再也不会对另外对手做出踢蛋的动作了….那是多么痛的领悟啊~~~~[–]Senth99 3 points 2 hours agoIt always seem that life is unfair and then this happens lol球迷:当你以为人生永远充满着不公的时候…追梦的蛋被踢了,哈哈哈哈~~~~[–]Cavaliersrompskee 1448 points 8 hours agoKarmic justice骑士球迷:世道好轮回,苍天绕过谁!恶有恶报!! 来源:Reddit 【来源:直播吧】


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